Monday, November 8, 2010

hand made or electroformed

So there is a big difference between the hand made hydrangeas and the electroformed ones. I do enjoy bith but the have two very different feel about them. I think it is kind of funny that my electro formed hydrangeas are actually 1 step away from being real but they dont have that soft delicate feeling of the hydrangea, where as my hand made ones all together have the soft delicate characteristic of the real flowers even though I have stylised them. but then I could have just 1 electroformed hydrangea on a shank and it would look like a hydrangea, wherte as if I were to take just 1 of my versions of the hydrangea that I hand make it would not have as much of a feel of the real flower. This brings me to realise that my hand made hydrangeas get that " feeling" i want to create by grouping them together, so then is that the characteristic of the flower I am focusing on if they need to be bunched together? all along I have been trying to get the veined detail on the hand made ones where as that is not actually the main characteristic that gives them that feeling of being hydrangeas! complicated!

from here I want to explore using the tube and putting the hydrangeas on it and setting a little gem stone in the top of it.

Here is my latest hand made hydrangea piece:

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